Here are a few frequently asked questions that may help you understand Hypnobirthing and its wonderful benefits.
What Is hypnobirthing?
Through the use of relaxation, visualisation and self hypnosis techniques; it helps the expectant mum have a positive outlook on birth with the belief that it doesn't need to be painful.
what are the benefits of hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing can help shorten labour. It can help relive any fear or anxiety. An most importantly empower you to have control over your birth. Through the use of hypnobirthing you can help reduce the need for intervention and is a natural pain relieving method.
what do you mean by a "surge" when used in hypnobirthing?
This is an alternative word for contraction. This simple change in terminology, amongst other un-useful words, can help you achieve a more positive birth. Contact us to find out more.
when should i start hypnobirthing?
I recommend starting your course from 20+ weeks. It is also never too late in your pregnancy to learn hypnobirthing. Women who have been 37-38 weeks have learnt and I can also teach an intensive weekend course if you would prefer for timing reasons. Read more about our courses.
i can't be hypnotised; my mind never shuts off?
On my course you will discover you naturally go in and out of trance throughout the day, meaning that you can indeed be hypnotised.
can I do hypnobirthing course if i have a planned c section?
Yes; hypnobirthing can be used for all types of birth whether that's a planned or emergency c section, assisted birth, VBAC birth or vaginal birth.
Can i do a hypnobirthing course if i know i want to use pain relieving drugs?
Yes. Just because you're doing hypnobirthing doesn't mean you are not allowed to use drugs. It is just with the techniques and methods you learn on the course many women find that they do not need to use them in the end.
Can you do hypnobirthing only if you are planning a water birth?
No. hypnobirthing is suitable for ALL types of births regardless if you have a water birth or not.
is hypnobirthing free on the nhs?
Hypnobirthing is not part of the standard NHS care, but some trust and hospitals do offer it as part of their antenatal education at a charge. If you would like to fine out more about how hypnobirthing can help you contact us now.
what do hypnobirthing contractions feel like?
Rather than experiencing "pain" women who practice hypnobirthing in the lead up to their baby's birth often describe the feeling as a pressure. Remember we use the word "surge" in hypnobirthing. It is not beneficial for you to think of your body contracting and tightening, when we want you to be thinking of it as relaxed and opening.
can you learn hypnobirthing yourself?
A lot of people do say to me they've borrowed a track from their friend, read a book on hypnobirthing, watched a YouTube video etc. For you to effectively be able to utilise hypnobirthing and it's incredible benefits you need to fully understand you mind/ body connection and the hormones your body needs in order to be able to give birth effectively.
should you wax before giving birth?
The Royal College of Midwives says no midwife would tell an expectant woman to shave or wax her pubic hair before birth. Therefore it is very much your own preference.
are hypnobirthing babies calmer?
Hypnobirthing babies do tend to be calmer because they are gently born into the world at their own pace with the mum using the techniques she's learnt on the course. On my course you will also discover how to create the best possible "birth environment" and the importance of it, for you and your baby.
how does hypnobirthing help?
On my course you will learn self hypnosis and relaxation techniques to help you feel physically and mentally prepared and reduce your awareness of anxiety, fear and "pain" during childbirth.
what is mastitis?
Mastitis occurs when you have blocked milk duct in your breast. The breast becomes hot, swollen and very sore and you may notice red mark on it. The good news is it is easily treatable if caught early, with a course of antibiotics and you will need to keep regularly feeding/ expressing to clear out the duct.
what does hypnobirthing involve?
Hypnobirthing aims to reduce fear, pain and anxiety during childbirth. It involves learning calm breathing techniques, some deep relaxation, visualisation and the use of positive suggestions and affirmations.
can i attend your hypnobirthing course alone?
Yes. whilst we always strongly recommend your birth partner also attends the course to fully understand how best they can emotionally, mentally and physically support you in the lead up to baby's arrival and on the day itself (and also learn some top tips), it's fine if you would like to or need to attend the course by yourself.
how often should you practice hypnobirthing?
We learn though repetition of message so regular practise of the techniques we take you though on our course and listening to your MP3's that we give you access to on our courses, is key to success.
does hypnobirthing reduce pain?
Whilst hypnobirthing is not pain relief, the techniques involved in hypnobirthing may help you to perceive your contractions as less intense. If you are in a lot of pain, are worried or feel scared during labour, your body is likely to go into fight-or-flight mode.
what if i need medical intervention?
On our courses you will learn useful techniques to enable you to remain calm & relaxed regardless of the path that your birth takes. You will learn a simple technique for you and your birth partner to remain in control should medical intervention be discussed.

Let's Work Together
If you have any questions that are not answered here, please feel free to get in touch.